slush fund

a sum of money used for illicit or corrupt political purposes, as for buying influence.
Nautical. a fund from the sale of slush, refuse fat, etc., spent for any small luxuries.
Examples from the web for slush fund
  • The bill contains a slush fund that will allow hundreds of millions of dollars in phone-marking.
  • Additionally, the director established a slush fund for social outings, and employees were pressured to contribute to the fund.
  • He thereafter continued to use the bank account as his personal and secret slush fund.
British Dictionary definitions for slush fund

slush fund

a fund for financing political or commercial corruption
(US, nautical) a fund accumulated from the sale of slush from the galley
slush fund in Culture

slush fund definition

A collection of money by a political official or administration that is used to make payments for various services. Though slush funds may be used for legitimate purposes, such as paying state employees, the term is generally used to describe money that is not properly accounted for and is being used for personal expenses and political payoffs. Money raised for political campaigns has come under increasing public scrutiny to ensure that it is not misused.

Slang definitions & phrases for slush fund

slush fund

noun phrase

In politics, money used for shady enterprises like buying votes, bribing officials, etc: the use of slush funds to defeat selected victims

[1839+; fr the armed forces and especially nautical practice of selling grease and other garbage to accumulate a fund to buy little luxuries for the troops or crew]